26 June 2009

Summer in Full Swing

Playgrounds, T-ball, the Pool, car washing, slip and slide, garage sales, Grandma Days, Sports Camp, tennis lessons, flip flops, Jake & Ryan, a new bike, mosquito bites, sun screen, a swim shirt, humidity, air conditioning, shirtless, BBQing, sprinklers, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, later bedtime, sleeping in......

15 March 2009

The Lego Chapter has Begun

Declan has been obsessed with Thomas the Train since he was two. He owns almost every toy ever made for the series and you'd think at some point he's going to tire of it, but not yet. His attention, however, has been slightly detracted by his new discovery of (regular size) legos. He's currently collecting what I refer to as the "George Lucas" collection - Star Wars and Indiana Jones legos - which he will sit for hours assembling, dilligently reading the sometimes 50+ pages of instructions. I wonder how long it will be before his male genes kick in and he stops following or even glancing at the instructions and starts ending up with "leftover" parts......;)

26 February 2009


I got an email from a friend today who knows someone that needs to find a new home for her two dogs. They are moving and cannot bring the dogs with.

This is not fathomable to me. I'd sooner give up the job and live in poverty than give up part of my family. The therapy bills and constant angst I'd be in wondering if they were ok would sink me financially and put me in the grave anyhow.

Good luck Cookie and Coco....I wish I could give you a home.

14 February 2009


For his 6th birthday, Declan got a Thomas the Train Shaving Kit....complete with shampoo, "shaving cream" foam soap and a little water squirting "shaver".  Toys are so different than when we were kids. *sigh*  Oddly and a bit disturbingly, he did not require much instruction in methods.  Six going on twenty six.  No mom is ready for this!!

01 February 2009

New Year, Less Time

SO very busy these days - have been awful about posting, but must make effort to at least get on a couple times a month and update, at least with pictures.

Declan is growing out of his clothes faster than I can buy them.  I was told this would happen but I was in denial more about the effect it would have on my pocketbook!

This year is already the year of "Change" - not just thanks to President Obama, but in our lives as well.  Going to be a very good one!!!  We're already off to a great start.   Declan turns six this month.  He loves school, is very into Karate, will be starting baseball in the spring, and first grade in the fall.  And thanks to my new business, I will be able to watch it all up close.  It's happening all much too fast....the cliche is truth.