31 July 2008

Kicking Myself.....

This past week, Declan got his gold stripe belt in karate...until he turns seven, his belt levels consist of a number of striped colors....so proud!!

He's been taking karate at his daycare (sponsored by National Karate) since he was three. His teacher, Ms. Langley, has said that ever since he was three, his concentration level was mind blowing - and she's thrilled that now he's entering kindergarten, he's going to begin classes at the National Karate dojo near our house.

I was all very excited about this until we went to the school for him to get tested for his new belt, and I saw a class of 6 year olds, in full body pads, sparring and kicking the f*ck out of each other with serious pleasure....and they all come walking out of class, sweaty and breathing hard, ripping off their face masks and spitting out their mouth guards like a S.W.A.T. training session just ended....and half of them are cute sweet little girls....
What did I get myself into here?

1 comment:

Jessie said...

So cute!

Since you know that I am a child of the marital arts, I hope you don't mind this unsolicited advice. Watch for that aggressive behavior you described. If you see Declan acting like that or using his karate inappropriately (like on the playground), you might consider moving him to another dojo. It just like the "Karate Kid" movie in that it's all how the teacher instills things into the kids - he can teach them to be aggressive killers or teach them to use their skills for self defense only.