01 July 2008

"Excuse me, but..."

My mom is in Florida right now, weeding her garden. My parents spend most of the year in the Sunshine state, but run from the extreme heat in the summertime back here - although I think it's just an excuse to steal as much grandson time they can. I certainly don't blame them. Yesterday, Declan and Grandpa spent the day together. They stopped by the local library to pick up a couple of DVD's to watch as well - but when back in the car, Declan opened one to find the wrong DVD in the case. "We have to go back!! They have the wrong one in here!" He's very insistent and confident for a five year old. Once back in the library, Declan marched up to the librarian and calmly explained to her that someone made a grave mistake, and mixed up the dvds and cases and that he was certain he knew where the correct one was. Grandpa watched in amazement as he quickly found the other case on the massive shelves and brought it back to her. The security device was on so the librarian had to open the case - and sure enough, the other (correct) DVD was in there. "How did you know that?" she exclaimed...Declan simply reassured her with a "Someone just made a mistake, it's ok..." and happily put the right DVD in its case and turned with Grampa to head home.

Grandma is missing all the fun. I think my favorite age is 5.

1 comment:

J and J said...

I agree...5 is good. I could do without the whining, but otherwise good.