25 August 2008

First Day of School

Here are the Three Musketeers off to their first day of Kindergarten. Declan, Ryan and Jake....our little Bermuda Triangle!!! Something tells me we will look back on this picture in fifteen years and say that this picture foretold the future in many ways.

You know how you're afraid they might be afraid....and plan all the ways to make the transition for them as smooth and comfortable as possible? You think of every cliche thing to say, you pack special treats in their bag, the bag you picked out special to surprise them with for their first day at school. And then they completely forget you are even there, too busy, excited and wrapped up in the adventure and they run off to the bus almost forgetting even to kiss you goodbye. Yeah. That was today. Didn't even hear me calling his name.......*sigh* Have a wonderful first day, my growing-up-too-fast big boy!!!

Me and my guy.

1 comment:

Jessie said...

Awww, I just saw this because I'm a little behind on blog reading. Hope Declan is liking kindergarten as much as Gracie is.