29 October 2008

The Haircut

While I have always been appalled at the mothers who let their little boys hair grow into a mini-pony tale, like an extreme version of the mullet, I too am guilty of avoiding the haircut. I like "little boy" hair - the kind you can tossle, the kind that softens the face. Declan's father, however, thinks a buzz cut is the only way to go. I have since put my foot down here - I cannot stand a buzz but on Declan because since he has a huge noggin, he looks like a big mean bully with his hair shaved. The boy needs bangs.

However, if Declan had his way, he'd be bald. I asked him how he's like his hair cut. The response? "Gone." Hmmf.

So we compromised. Here is a close cut haircut with still a little bangs in the front for mom to play with, regardless of how annoying it is to him. ;)

This is also Declan playing his Star Wars Lego Game...which he would play morning, noon and night if I'd let him. I think this was the age Uncle John became obsessed with Star Wars. It seems to run in the family.

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