23 June 2008

Hairy Stuff

Pets rock.

But they leave way too much hair on my bed. Since we lost Butkus last year, Miles and Jaq have been allowed upstairs....and subsequently, much to the chagrin of my boyfriend, they have become my bed snuggle partners. I have since taken stock in Zyrtek D, seeing that I am allergic to cats, and Jaq's preferred snooze location is atop my head. But indeed, the bigger issue is the overnight accumulation of enough locks and fuzz to stuff Shaq's Superman comforter. Now, I've taken to covering the bed with a large sheet....in hopes of sparing the bedspread relentless washes. But mysteriously, these wirey and stubborn blades of animal sweetness somehow manage to weave themselves through the sheets, onto the comforter and subsequently, into the smallest, darkest crevices of my covers.....and when I awake in the morning, I had better not be wearing flannel, or I will look eerily similar to Big Foot's lost cousin.

Forget those pet hair rollers. Even my Dyson can't save me. Hmmm. Perhaps a Flobee can help.....or wait......

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