20 June 2008

Rock Star

Declan and I are huge fans of the movie "August Rush". I could write ten paragraphs on why this is now one of my all time favorite movies, but I'll just say if you haven't seen it, it's is absolutely worth your time.

He's always been interested in music, but after watching the movie, he has a whole new appreciation of it...he now finds music the way little August Rush does....in the sounds of trees blowing in the wind; in the bump bump of cars going over potholes; in the pattern of a dog's bark. It's magical to watch. He will "conduct" the sounds of nature.
While I have every intention of setting him up with piano lessons in the next few years, he has expressed a serious interest in learning the guitar. I'm currently on a hunt for a decent teacher willing to teach a five year old the basics of acoustic guitar.

Here he is doing his best Eddie Van Halen.

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