29 October 2008

The Haircut

While I have always been appalled at the mothers who let their little boys hair grow into a mini-pony tale, like an extreme version of the mullet, I too am guilty of avoiding the haircut. I like "little boy" hair - the kind you can tossle, the kind that softens the face. Declan's father, however, thinks a buzz cut is the only way to go. I have since put my foot down here - I cannot stand a buzz but on Declan because since he has a huge noggin, he looks like a big mean bully with his hair shaved. The boy needs bangs.

However, if Declan had his way, he'd be bald. I asked him how he's like his hair cut. The response? "Gone." Hmmf.

So we compromised. Here is a close cut haircut with still a little bangs in the front for mom to play with, regardless of how annoying it is to him. ;)

This is also Declan playing his Star Wars Lego Game...which he would play morning, noon and night if I'd let him. I think this was the age Uncle John became obsessed with Star Wars. It seems to run in the family.

25 August 2008

First Day of School

Here are the Three Musketeers off to their first day of Kindergarten. Declan, Ryan and Jake....our little Bermuda Triangle!!! Something tells me we will look back on this picture in fifteen years and say that this picture foretold the future in many ways.

You know how you're afraid they might be afraid....and plan all the ways to make the transition for them as smooth and comfortable as possible? You think of every cliche thing to say, you pack special treats in their bag, the bag you picked out special to surprise them with for their first day at school. And then they completely forget you are even there, too busy, excited and wrapped up in the adventure and they run off to the bus almost forgetting even to kiss you goodbye. Yeah. That was today. Didn't even hear me calling his name.......*sigh* Have a wonderful first day, my growing-up-too-fast big boy!!!

Me and my guy.

10 August 2008

Wear Does The Time Go?

Declan starts Kindergarten in two weeks. I vaguely remember the picture of me on my first day - I was so tiny...and wearing hideous brown seventies clothes with red shoes and I think yellow socks. No, Mom, I won't ever let you live the fashion choices down...unless you cop to doing drugs, because there simply cannot be any other viable excuse. I was forever ridiculed in grade school for the way I looked. It took me until high school to finally shake the stigma, and it helped I was able to finally buy my own clothes. But the memory of the insecurity based on appearance in school has always stayed with me. So today, I was shopping for 1st Day of School clothes....this, after taking him for a haircut and breathing down the stylists' neck so she would not do anything to screw up the perfected coiffed head I envisioned. It's ironic and odd tho, that I am more obsessed with dressing my son in the most non-potentially nerdifiying clothes as possible while I roam the aisles with no makeup and my hair wound in a blue scunchie, wearing a Playboy Club Las Vegas pink t-shirt and grey flannel sweatpants that are too big for me. Perhaps I've already conceded that I'm a lost cause in any case that doesn't require formal attire, or maybe it's just that I don't expect to see anyone at Target at 8:30am on a Sunday morning. Either way, I am obsessed with my son's wardrobe choices. While I want him to develop his own sense of style....or, in all honestly, develop his own sense of CLASSIC style....no saggy ass pants crotches, no "Kill, Hate, Death" tee-shirts, and most importantly....the desire to shower regularly. It slightly horrifies me that he loves to pull his socks up to his knees - I love Erckle to death, but I don't want to be his mom. I am (not so) embarrassed to admit I actually by him ankle socks now so he physically can't pull them that high. I know, he's five. But I also know I'm going to blink, and he'll be taller than I am and asking for the car keys. Perhaps I am convinced that as long as he's dressed the part, he'll have a better chance of living it....

Ah, the manipulations of a parent. Likely futile, but never ending......

31 July 2008

Kicking Myself.....

This past week, Declan got his gold stripe belt in karate...until he turns seven, his belt levels consist of a number of striped colors....so proud!!

He's been taking karate at his daycare (sponsored by National Karate) since he was three. His teacher, Ms. Langley, has said that ever since he was three, his concentration level was mind blowing - and she's thrilled that now he's entering kindergarten, he's going to begin classes at the National Karate dojo near our house.

I was all very excited about this until we went to the school for him to get tested for his new belt, and I saw a class of 6 year olds, in full body pads, sparring and kicking the f*ck out of each other with serious pleasure....and they all come walking out of class, sweaty and breathing hard, ripping off their face masks and spitting out their mouth guards like a S.W.A.T. training session just ended....and half of them are cute sweet little girls....
What did I get myself into here?

24 July 2008

The Shape of Things

Today's Backseat Commentary, by Declan J. Foley:

"I love circles, I love ovals, I love squares and I love rectangles, but I really hate pentagons."

01 July 2008

A Natural....to never B flat.

Every parent has moments where you find yourself in awe of your child, wondering how they could possibly be as amazing as they are at their young age. You also hope that the things you love or that you had some sort of talent at are passed in someway onto your child, so that you can share that special bond for the rest of your lives together. Declan's very first guitar arrived today...and this picture is five minutes after picking it up. Look at the finger placement.....I did not show him anything. I am practically in tears with joy. He is going to his first lesson in the next couple of weeks and I cannot wait to see how he does. Move over, John Mayer....there's a new a new stud in town!!! Now I start the piggy bank for the piano.....*grin*

"Excuse me, but..."

My mom is in Florida right now, weeding her garden. My parents spend most of the year in the Sunshine state, but run from the extreme heat in the summertime back here - although I think it's just an excuse to steal as much grandson time they can. I certainly don't blame them. Yesterday, Declan and Grandpa spent the day together. They stopped by the local library to pick up a couple of DVD's to watch as well - but when back in the car, Declan opened one to find the wrong DVD in the case. "We have to go back!! They have the wrong one in here!" He's very insistent and confident for a five year old. Once back in the library, Declan marched up to the librarian and calmly explained to her that someone made a grave mistake, and mixed up the dvds and cases and that he was certain he knew where the correct one was. Grandpa watched in amazement as he quickly found the other case on the massive shelves and brought it back to her. The security device was on so the librarian had to open the case - and sure enough, the other (correct) DVD was in there. "How did you know that?" she exclaimed...Declan simply reassured her with a "Someone just made a mistake, it's ok..." and happily put the right DVD in its case and turned with Grampa to head home.

Grandma is missing all the fun. I think my favorite age is 5.

26 June 2008

News You Can Use

Now THIS is the kind of headline I want to see - enough of all this Paris Hilton and Lindsey Lohan crap:

Per today's MSNBC.com.....

Smelly camels keep marauding elephants away

RANCHI, India - Forget mice — Indian villagers have recruited camels to protect their farmlands and homes from marauding elephants, saying the beasts' stink was enough to keep the pachyderms at bay.

Officials said on Thursday that villagers in Jharkhand state had earlier this month hired two camels for $46 a month each and were using them for patrolling.

"We cannot comment how far it will be effective," S. Nandkuliyahe, a senior forest official said.
More than 400 people have been trampled to death in the last seven years in Jharkhand by elephants, which have also destroyed crops and homes, officials said. Villagers in the past have used chilies and fire crackers to keep elephants away.

Chilies? And I thought I had problems!!

25 June 2008

208 Days To Freedom....

....From National Embarrassment, that is.

The chimp in the big white house continues his extremely successful crusade to prove he is the biggest imbecile in the free world.

Curious George met with Filipino President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo today at the White House. While her country tries to recover from a typhoon that devastated areas and overturned a ferry carrying over 800 passengers last week, Dubyah demonstrated his unquestionable tact....

PRESIDENT BUSH: Madam President, it is a pleasure to welcome you back to the Oval Office. We have just had a very constructive dialogue. First, I want to tell you how proud I am to be the President of a nation that -- in which there's a lot of Philippine-Americans. They love America and they love their heritage. And I reminded the President that I am reminded of the great talent of the -- of our Philippine-Americans when I eat dinner at the White House.


PRESIDENT BUSH: And the chef is a great person and a really good cook, by the way, Madam President.


You can't even make this stuff up.....


23 June 2008

Hairy Stuff

Pets rock.

But they leave way too much hair on my bed. Since we lost Butkus last year, Miles and Jaq have been allowed upstairs....and subsequently, much to the chagrin of my boyfriend, they have become my bed snuggle partners. I have since taken stock in Zyrtek D, seeing that I am allergic to cats, and Jaq's preferred snooze location is atop my head. But indeed, the bigger issue is the overnight accumulation of enough locks and fuzz to stuff Shaq's Superman comforter. Now, I've taken to covering the bed with a large sheet....in hopes of sparing the bedspread relentless washes. But mysteriously, these wirey and stubborn blades of animal sweetness somehow manage to weave themselves through the sheets, onto the comforter and subsequently, into the smallest, darkest crevices of my covers.....and when I awake in the morning, I had better not be wearing flannel, or I will look eerily similar to Big Foot's lost cousin.

Forget those pet hair rollers. Even my Dyson can't save me. Hmmm. Perhaps a Flobee can help.....or wait......

What's In a Name?

According to the Social Security Administration, Jennifer was the number one girl's name for FIFTEEN consecutive years, between 1970 and 1984. There were 9 "Jennifer's" in my third grade class of approximately 50 girls. Freshman year in high school, my homeroom had four Jennifer's in it. And one casual trip through my cell phone directory will net you over 17 (yes, seventeen) Jennifer's. Thanks to it's commonality, I really am not fond of my first name. There's simply too many of us. Needless to say, originality was important to me when it came to naming my son, although I didn't want to curse him with too oddball of a forename . My love of Ireland, a branch of his genealogical roots, and the fact that his father and I were married in County Clare made my decision to name him Declan very easy.

Every once in a while, I get someone who has never heard the name, or needs help pronouncing it. But once they've heard it, they notice it...they remember it. It's a good solid name. It's a handsome name.

Today, on the way home in the car, he told me that he really would like to change his name to "Larry."


Earlier this month, my Aunt Dorothy passed away. While I do not buy into the usefulness of wakes or funerals, I do appreciate that often times, they bring together family that hasn't seen or spoken to each other in some time. Being able to catch up with people who meant so much to me in childhood, but had faded into their own distant and busy lives reminded me how important family can be. In addition, seeing these people always brings back reminisence and stories, some old...and some new. This here is a picture of Auntie Charlotte and Auntie Dorothy (right) standing with my dad, with what I believe is a bicycle Santa brought him for Christmas. How cute is he? And how eerie that he looks some much like his grandson...I wonder if he sees what I see.....

20 June 2008

Rock Star

Declan and I are huge fans of the movie "August Rush". I could write ten paragraphs on why this is now one of my all time favorite movies, but I'll just say if you haven't seen it, it's is absolutely worth your time.

He's always been interested in music, but after watching the movie, he has a whole new appreciation of it...he now finds music the way little August Rush does....in the sounds of trees blowing in the wind; in the bump bump of cars going over potholes; in the pattern of a dog's bark. It's magical to watch. He will "conduct" the sounds of nature.
While I have every intention of setting him up with piano lessons in the next few years, he has expressed a serious interest in learning the guitar. I'm currently on a hunt for a decent teacher willing to teach a five year old the basics of acoustic guitar.

Here he is doing his best Eddie Van Halen.

19 June 2008

A new public venture into the blogosphere....

I've been extensively blogging anonymously for over three years. Blogging to me however, has always been deeply about my inner me..a sort of self-therapy or personal diary...and not something I necessarily want to share with my family, friends or neighbors. Only those who know me through anonymity are allowed in. Suddenly yesterday, I have had to finally acknowledge most of my "real life" friends have their 'mommy' blogs...their way of keeping those around them involved in their busy lives, aprised of what is going on - without the committment of long phone calls, time investing visits or travel. Time saving and efficient!! Something I buy into!

So I've finally broken down and gone public. Time for the "Foley Family Blog" to be born, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BLOG, welcome to the world!